A golf ball bearing the Falcon Lakes logo is resting on the green.
A group of golfers are celebrating on the green with clubs in hand.

Saturday & Sunday| October 25th & 26th

Shotgun Start | 11AM

Limited to first 120 players each day

Online Team Registration only. All players must be paid for when registering your team.

Four-Person Scramble

This event is a blast, including difficult pin and tee locations, random surprises and obstacles on the course. This is a difficult event and meant to test your golfing skills!


Saturday & Sunday (Separate Events)

  • $120 per public player
  • $45 per FLGC Unlimited Member
  • $80 per FLGC Weekday/Twilight Member

Cost includes – green fee, cart, range, prizes, two drink tickets good for any beer or seltzer, your choice of a cheeseburger, grilled chicken sandwich, or hot dog with chips, and granola bar at the turn.

Gentlemen age 64 and under will play from the Black Tee Markers.
Gentlemen age 65 to 74 will play from the Blue Tee Markers.
Gentlemen age 75 or better and Ladies will play from the White Tee Markers.

1st—3rd will be awarded in two flights. Prizes based on 120 players each day:

  1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place
1st Flight $120/golfer $80/golfer $50/golfer
2nd Flight $120/golfer $80/golfer $50/golfer